, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio is now planning to launch high-speed fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) broadband service. The service is called Jio Fiber and it will be rolled out as a Preview in the coming weeks. According to the reports, Jio has already started trials in various cities and is ready for commercial launch Jio Fiber broadband plans will start from 100 Mbps speed. Reliance Jio's upcoming FTTH service is not just about speed and tariff, it has several other features to offer. Reports suggest that it will have a smart calling feature that will virtually connect the cell phones to landline. That means if a person receives a call on the landlines it can be received on cell phone Earlier in January, Airtel announced the launch of V-Fiber that offers consumers in select cities and areas speeds of up to 100mbps using the ADSL2 technology. This is the second time when Mukesh Ambani is experimenting in the telecom industry after successfully launching Jio that disrupted...