reliance jio announced a future mobile for all users with in 2500 - 3000 under reliance says this is a first step to wards digital India in mobile usage mukesh magic | in 40 mgm reliance chief mukesh ambani gives a big announcement he say they are provide 4G mobile phone for free [ every one know how reliance creating sensational in tele communication network its time reliance focus on basic with great features in market [ reliance has smart phone named LYF also ] ew have to pay 1500 rupees secured deposit After 3 years, it will returns mukesh ambani says it is an intelligent phone this phone features life time talk time free monthly tariff plane 153 rupees reliance lunching this phone in august 15 on independents day free booking slots will be open from tomorrow from September reliance delivers this mobile for clients jio giving a cable to connect mobile with your television then you c...